Setting up Laravel Dusk with CircleCI

When your front-end relies on a JavaScript framework like VueJS or React, browser testing really becomes a must in your testing setup. Laravel Dusk does an excellent job testing your UI with a simple, efficiƫnt syntax.

Setting up a Continuous Integration pipeline using Dusk is well-documented, including guides for CircleCI, Travis, and a couple of others. When your testing suite becomes a bit more demanding, like using the PHP GD library, using MySQL or something similar, things can get tough.

Just to help anyone out there struggling with CircleCI 2.0, here is a configuration file that combines several features.

  • A PHP 7.2 setup including MySQL and NodeJS
  • Several PHP extensions, like GD, Mcrypt, and ZIP
  • Both a feature and Dusk test
  • Several linters and checks included
  • Every log is stored as artefact

Save this in your config.yml in the .circleci directory:

version: 2

    working_directory: ~/user/repo

      BASH_ENV: ~/.bashrc

      - image: circleci/php:7.2-node-browsers
          APP_ENV: testing
          DB_CONNECTION: mysql
          DB_DATABASE: circle_test
          DB_USERNAME: root
          DB_PASSWORD: ubuntu
          SESSION_DRIVER: database
          CACHE_DRIVER: file

      - image: circleci/mysql:5.7
          - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=ubuntu
          - MYSQL_USER=ubuntu
          - MYSQL_PASSWORD=ubuntu
          - MYSQL_DATABASE=circle_test

      - run:
          name: Install System Dependencies
          command: |
            sudo apt-get update
            sudo apt-get install -y libmcrypt-dev libsqlite3-dev libfreetype6-dev libjpeg62-turbo-dev libpng-dev zlib1g-dev

      - run:
          name: Install PHP Extensions
          command: |
            sudo docker-php-ext-configure gd --with-freetype-dir=/usr/include/ --with-jpeg-dir=/usr/include/
            sudo docker-php-ext-install -j$(nproc) iconv mcrypt gd zip pdo_mysql pdo_sqlite
            sudo rm /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/docker-php-ext-xdebug.ini

      - run:
          name: Update Composer
          command: sudo composer self-update

      - checkout

      - restore_cache:
            - composer-v1-{{ checksum "composer.lock" }}
            - composer-v1-
      - run:
          name: Install Composer Dependencies
          command: composer install -n --ignore-platform-reqs
      - save_cache:
          key: composer-v1-{{ checksum "composer.lock" }}
            - vendor

      - run:
          name: Setup Environment
          command: |
            cp .env.testing .env
            php artisan key:generate
            php artisan passport:keys
            touch ./storage/logs/laravel.log

      - restore_cache:
            - node-v1-{{ checksum "package.json" }}
            - node-v1-
      - run:
          name: Install Node Dependencies
          command: |
            node --version
            npm --version
            npm install
      - save_cache:
          key: node-v1-{{ checksum "package.json" }}
            - node_modules

      - run:
         name: Run Webpack
         command: npm run prod

      - run:
         name: Migrate Database
         command: php artisan migrate --force

      - run:
          name: PHP CS Fixer
          command: vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix --config=.php_cs --diff --dry-run --verbose
      - run:
          name: PHPLOC
          command: |
            mkdir -p ./logs/phploc
            vendor/bin/phploc app --no-interaction --log-xml=logs/phploc/junit.xml
      - run:
          name: PHPCS
          command: |
            mkdir -p ./logs/phpcs
            vendor/bin/phpcs --standard="PSR1,PSR2" -v --report=junit --report-file=logs/phpcs/junit.xml app/
      - run:
          name: PHP Mess Detector
          command: |
            mkdir -p ./logs/phpmd
            vendor/bin/phpmd app text phpmd-ruleset.xml > logs/phpmd/phpmd.log
      - run:
          name: ESLint
          command: |
            mkdir -p ./logs/eslint
            node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint.js --ext .vue -o logs/eslint/junit.xml -f junit resources/assets/js
      - run:
          name: Run Unit Tests
            DB_CONNECTION: sqlite-memory
          command: |
            mkdir -p ./logs/phpunit
            vendor/bin/phpunit -d memory_limit=512M --log-junit logs/phpunit/junit.xml --testdox-html logs/phpunit/testdox.html

      - run:
          name: Start Chrome Driver
          command: ./vendor/laravel/dusk/bin/chromedriver-linux
          background: true

      - run:
          name: Run Laravel Server
          command: php artisan serve
          background: true

      - run:
          name: Run Laravel Dusk Tests
          command: php artisan dusk
            APP_URL: http://localhost:8000

      - store_artifacts:
          path: ./logs/phploc
          destination: phploc

      - store_artifacts:
          path: ./logs/phpcs
          destination: phpcs

      - store_artifacts:
          path: ./logs/phpmd
          destination: phpmd

      - store_artifacts:
          path: ./logs/eslint
          destination: eslint

      - store_artifacts:
          path: ./logs/phpunit
          destination: phpunit

      - store_artifacts:
          path: ./tests/Browser/console
          destination: console

      - store_artifacts:
          path: ./tests/Browser/screenshots
          destination: screenshots

      - store_artifacts:
          path: ./storage/logs
          destination: laravel